My parents have been a HUGE benefit to my recovery and, of course, my life as a whole. With that being said, I’ve decided that this May blog posting will act as a belated Mother’s Day present AND an early Father’s Day present to the both of them! First and foremost, I have to start …
Tag: Rehab
Neuro Nerds
As I’m sure many of you know, I received the majority of my therapy since returning home to Charleston, SC at Roper St. Francis’ Downtown location. Roper St. Francis’ outpatient therapy became my home away from home after going there for physical and occupational therapy four days a week for almost two full years. My …
Oh, How the Tides Have Turned…
The photos featured are one of my brothers and me recreating a photo from almost two years ago. He and his wife were visiting Charleston for the first time in a pretty long while and his wife showed me the first picture at dinner their first night in town earlier this week. That’s when the idea struck me …
Hand Post Surgery
I had the surgery on my left hand’s PIP and DIP joints’ tendons last week and I’m already showing way more movement in my hand than there used to be!
One Year Anniversary
Tuesday, December 9, 2014, was my one year anniversary at Roper St. Francis’s Outpatient Rehab, so my dad was nice enough to supply lunch for everyone in the department today. It felt awesome to say thank you!
1/2 Mile
Can’t believe I forgot to post this on here, but I managed to walk a little over a half mile (2,300 steps/2 laps) around a Scotts Creek pond!
Stage 2: Inpatient Rehab
I started remembering what was happening and going on around me 2 weeks after ICU. While at Kentfield Rehab, in Marin County, California, the Speech Pathologist was working very hard on getting me to move my tongue and get some kind of sound out of me, but had no luck. In Physical Therapy I would mostly stand …