Below is the third installment of my Stanford University Medical Center x-ray taken in the ER, before my neurosurgery was performed, with holiday twist. I know it’s once again slightly belated, but the holiday season will put everyone in over their heads…especially for all of us TBI/ABI survivors. 😜
With that being said, I hope that you all had a Merry Christmas! I know I did, but not for the same reason of receiving gifts that I had as a kid. Rather, I’ve grown to appreciate spending time with my friends and, more importantly, family as I’ve ticked more years on to my age. But, I have grown to appreciate ALL of the loved ones that I have around me more so since my accident and thinking that I could have very well not been as blessed as I have been from the very get-go of my accident, to today and what the future has in store for my #slowlybutsurelyTBI of a recovery.