
Anthony’s Care And The Internet Postings. Don’t Believe Everything You Read Online.

Preparing for Anthony’s Admission at Kentfield

As Anthony is being placed safely in the ambulance for his trip to Kentfield, Kim and I are anxious about Anthony’s new home. Anthony is on a trach and he caught a bout of pneumonia Screenshot for which they are giving him antibiotics. Although he can breathe on his own, his capability to swallow has been impaired. We are working bedside with him on some therapy the speech therapist showed us that we hope will help him regain his ability to swallow. He is sleeping a lot which helps him heal. His motor skills are limited though seem to be improving. When we told Elle about our trip to Kentfield and that we were going to take Anthony there she went online to see what people had to say about Kentfield Rehabilitation & Specialty Hospital. When she accessed Elle became very concerned and called us. Kim started looking at Yelp and Tuesday night, February 19, I’m accessing and reading about Kentfield. Ok here it is Wednesday and Anthony is on his way to this horrible place according to the people who posted things on Yelp.

I called Caitlin, the admission director, earlier in the day. I told her we were on our way to the San Francisco Theological Seminary in hopes to find shelter so we can be close to Anthony while he is at Kentfield. I told her we wanted to set up a meeting with her, Debbie, our case worker, and the outside marketing person who came by Anthony’s room while he was in ICU. I knew she could hear by the tone of my voice it was important to Kim, Anthony and I that we get together. After we did our business with Heather and  Kentfield Rehabilitation and Specialty Hospital sign outsidesecured our new home, I called Caitlin to see if we could come by. Anthony had not gotten there yet so our timing was good. Kim and I were anxious about this meeting. We talked frequently throughout the day. We discussed how we were going to approach Kentfield. We didn’t want to make them mad but we wanted them to understand we wanted the best care possible for Anthony and we were concerned about what we had read online. Certainly they’ve run across this before? Other family and loved ones must have had conversations about this with them? We have to approach this as positive as possible.

All day Kim keep coaching me “please don’t be negative.” Caitlin’s office is the first office on the right when you walk in, she was waiting for us. She called and asked Debbie to join us. The other person I requested to meet with us did not come. When the four of us got situated in Caitlin’s small but comfortable office, I just put it out there. I told them that we had concerns about what we had read on line regarding Kentfield Rehabilitation & Specialty Hospital, and asked them if they would please respond to our concerns. And the, believe it or not, I kept my mouth closed. I primarily wanted to see if they would make excuses or if they would get indignant. Two responses I did not what to hear.

Part 2: Anthony Admitted to Kentfield

2 thoughts on “Anthony’s Care And The Internet Postings. Don’t Believe Everything You Read Online.”

  1. Dear Kim, Bill and Anthony,

    Happy to hear there is progress! I am continuing to pray for all of you as are my friends and family. Take care of each other!

    Ann Schiff
    Full Sail University / Image and Design

  2. I’m glad Anthony is progressing and am keeping you all in my prayers. Bill’s comment about being an ‘advcate for Anthony’ is very true. No matter how good the care in a facility, it is still critical to have family on top of things seemlessly. (that comment comes from my years in healthcare administration and dealing with family members as you know).

    It sounds like all signs are positive – keep it coming!


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